Right now is a good time to purchase a wireless upgrade for your warehouse and office. The Ubiquiti wireless product line is underpriced for the enterprise level performance it provides. Ubiquiti is offering the functionality of Aruba, Meraki, and Cisco for a 3rd of the cost.
Keep in mind, we are not bragging on Ubiquiti’s networking products such as switches, firewalls, and cameras. These products have a long way to go before they are ready for the big time, but you cannot beat their wireless suite.

A work horse of the product line is the UniFi® AP AC PRO. It offers Wi-Fi 802.11ac MIMO Technology at 1.3GB.
These devices retail for around $150-$170 and you can deploy an army of them in your infrastructure with ease.
You have the choice of using a free software controller you can install anywhere or a small PoE powered “Cloud Key”. This device allows you to manage all of your SSiDs and Wireless APs from one web interface. A controller from Cisco in the past would cost thousands. This device retails for $99.

The controller will automatically find the UnFi products if on the same network/VLAN, and “adopt” them into the system. You can quickly setup your SSiDs and security for all Access Points in a couple of clicks. Setting up guest wifi and isolation networks is also simple.
The management interface in the UnFi Controller is brilliant. You can intuitively see all your users, IP addresses, firmware updates, devices and manage other UnFi product if you choose.

If you would like to see a demo of these products at no charge, please contact us. We will schedule an onsite visit and mobile installation to let you decide for yourself the value Ubiquiti offers.